
5 Easy Tips to Eat Healthy on Your Road Trip

…with a little preparation and these five easy tips, and you can stay on track with your health goals and enjoy a nutritious and delicious adventure!

Whether you’re embarking on a cross-country adventure or heading out for a weekend getaway, road trips offer a fun way to explore new places and create lasting memories for you and your family or friends. Actually, we’ve always loved it more than flying. However, one common challenge I would always face on our road trips would be maintaining my healthy diet while on the go!

While it’s easy to indulge in fast food and sugary snacks ‘for the day’, I find that starting your trip with that ends up setting the tone for the rest of your holiday. To avoid setting yourself in a trap, go into your expedition with a little preparation and these five easy tips, and you can stay on track with your health goals and enjoy a nutritious and delicious adventure!

1. Pack Foods That Create Simple, No-Fuss, Meals:

Starting the day in the car knowing that you’ll have your meals covered really makes a day of travel a lot easier in my book. No more searching for a fast-food joint that doesn’t serve your appetite or nutritional needs, but also doesn’t serve everyone in the car. Whether you’re traveling with your family or your friends, most of the time one place won’t completely satisfy everyone’s preferred diets, and that can cause your aimed 10-20 minute stop to more like an hour and grumpy passengers the rest of the way. Avoid all of that by packing foods that you can create no-fuss meals over.

Note on Fast-Food Stops: While I’ve never been a fast food advocate, I do realize that it’s a common stopping place on most road trips, mainly as a great bathroom break area. If you are opting to pick up a meal here, reach for one of the healthier choices on the menu. Many fast-food restaurants now offer salads, grilled chicken options, or veggie-packed wraps. Choose water or unsweetened beverages instead of sugary sodas, and if wanting a side of fries, consider asking for the smallest option. 

My go-to meals on travel days include:

Pro Tip: Pick up single-serving yogurts for an easy toss at the gas station or if you need tubberware containers during your trip (like camping), then spoon out servings in small containers, pack them in the cooler, and wash them when you get to your destination! Other easy options you can pack are overnight oats (try my amazing oatmeal recipe here), breakfast burritos/bowls, or breakfast sandwiches with a slice of lean meat. 

Pro-Tip: Other great options are sandwiches or any leftovers you may have in the fridge that you need to get rid of before leaving! If grabbing food out is necessary, search for restaurants ahead of time (roughly 30 minutes from your mid-day stopping point) and call in a to-go order. I love an easy Thai place for this hack. 

  • Dinner: We try and reach our destination by dinner time and so most of the time we will have take-out of some kind. Personal pizzas, Thai, or Mediterranean foods are our go-to searches once we get to our landing spot. 

2. Pack Your Own Snacks: Include Ones You Maybe Don’t Get on a Regular Basis

Instead of relying on convenience store stops, take the time to pack a variety of healthy snacks before hitting the road. This doesn’t need to take a lot of effort! It could take you less than an hour the day before to prepare and pack your snacks (and meals from above) for the journey ahead. Opt for fresh fruits like apples, grapes, or oranges that don’t require space in your cooler and are easy to eat on the go. Pre-cut vegetables like carrot sticks, celery, or cucumber slices with a side of hummus or peanut butter are also great choices. Additionally, pack some raw nuts, nutritious granola bars, and whole-grain crackers to keep hunger at bay between meals.

Pro-Tip: Pick out fun snacks you don’t get on a regular basis! The money that you may be spending on the different or more ‘expensive’ snacks will be much cheaper than any gas station grabs.

Our favorites snacks include:

  • Blueberries and pre-cut strawberries are a great medley to have in the cooler
  • Pre-cut veggies and hummus
  • Cheese sticks (we love Tillamook’s medium cheddar sticks)
  • Freeze-dried fruit (these single packets are the best to have on hand for ANY outing)
  • Pretzels (Regular for the boys and gluten-free for me!)
  • Crackers (Club crackers and Simple Mills Sun-dried Tomato & Basil are fun go-to’s)
  • Pre-popped Popcorn (like Skinny Pop)
  • Fun granola bars like Lara Bars, Luna Bars, or Kind Bars

In a Pinch Gas Station Snacks:

  • Sunflower seeds (don’t forget a cup!)
  • Pre-made hard-boiled eggs
  • Cheese sticks
  • Veggie Sticks or a Kettle cooked chip
  • Kind Bars

3. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential during road trips, as it helps maintain energy levels and keeps you feeling refreshed in a packed-down car. Carry a reusable water bottle and refill it at rest stops or gas stations. This way, you won’t be as tempted to quench your thirst with sugary drinks. If you prefer some flavor, consider infusing your water with slices of lemon, cucumber, or berries, or even adding in an electrolyte mix. 

Pro-Tip: I rarely make any Starbucks stop in my daily life, so sometimes I request one on a long day in the car to mix my hydration up. My ONLY healthy Starbucks order is:

  • A Venti Iced Hibiscus Tea, Unsweetened with Two Sugar/Steivia In The Raw packets on the side. I then like to add in 1.5 of the packets to my drink and shake it up for a refreshing, semi-sweet, and tangy treat.

4. Bring foods with a range of healthy carbs, fats, and proteins. 

Being mindful of the foods you pack can significantly help in maintaining a balanced and enjoyable day of eating during long hours on the road. Choosing nutritious options not only leaves you feeling good and energized, enabling you to switch driving duties or stay awake to indulge in your favorite podcast or audiobook, but it also has lasting benefits for your overall well-being throughout the entire adventure, not just the road trip part. With a well-rounded selection of foods, you’ll fuel your body effectively, keep hunger at bay, and have the energy to fully enjoy all the exciting stops and sights along the way.

5. Don’t Stress!

The most important part of your road trip is to enjoy the scenery and the irreplaceable time spent with your family. So it’s essential to not stress about your food choices. While maintaining a healthy well-rounded diet is important, it’s also crucial to enjoy the journey and the occasional indulgences that come with it. And in my opinion, that’s what makes a well-rounded diet in the first place. Road trips are all about adventure, exploration, and making memories, and obsessing over every meal can take away from that fun. Instead, aim for a balanced approach. Pack those nutritious snacks and meals in advance, but also be open to enjoying the occasional treat along the way. Remember, the occasional stray from your usual eating habits won’t derail your overall health and wellness. Embrace the spontaneity and flexibility of road trips, savoring the experiences without unnecessary stress over food choices. After all, it’s the joy of the journey that truly matters.

So overall, just remember that eating healthy on a road trip doesn’t have to be a challenge or big to-do! By planning ahead, packing nutritious snacks and meals, making smart choices at restaurants or gas stations, and enjoying those occasional treats along the way, you can fuel your body with the right foods while enjoying the adventure of the open road. 

Staying healthy on a road trip not only contributes to your physical and mental well-being but also enhances the overall enjoyment of your travel experience. 

Happy and healthy road-tripping!

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